Membership Application & Renewal

We invite you to join the club or renew your membership.

Membership Terms & Conditions
Membership dues are renewed every Dec 31st for the following year. You will receive a bill when your dues are up for renewal. Couple and family dues are based on persons living at the same address. Dues are not deductible as a charitable expense for federal income tax purposes.  
Each member is responsible for his or her own actions and behavior as well as that of their parakeet(s). Membership in the club does not give the member the license to use Jimmy Buffett’s name, song titles, lyrics, names of businesses or other copyrighted or reserved material owned by Jimmy Buffett.

Single Membership

Online Full Year $26.00
Cash/Check Full Year $25.00

Couples Membership

Online Full Year $36.00
Cash/Check Full Year $35.00

Family Membership

Online Full Year $41.00
Cash/Check Full Year $40.00

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